"So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily."
Acts 16:5
Evangelism Initiative
Church Toolbox
"So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily."
Acts 16:5
6-4-2 Evangelism Cycles
Create an Evangelism Culture in Your Church
These cycles are designed to help create an evangelism culture in a church. They will also reveal cultural "holes" (and even push-back).
It is recommended that the church calendar 3 or 4 major Sundays (i.e. Easter, VBS, Fall & Christmas) as attractive days, "Big Days." These are Sundays when your people will know that it is "safe" to invite a friend and that there will be a clear gospel presentation. Ideally you would want at least half of your church people (adults, teens, and kids) to be involved and actively working to invite the unchurched to come see the church at her "best." Ideally, this is not a Sunday for a guest speaker or band, but this is a "taste test" of your real church.
The evangelism Sunday should fit well with the community calendar and be something easily promoted -- i.e. Easter, special Christmas service (before everyone leaves town), Friend Day. A catchy name/theme and an invitational "hook" (like giving away a ____) may also be helpful. See E-Sunday for examples.
Resource Book: Ignite by Nelson Searcy
These cycles can also be an asset for:
Targeted prayer season begins
Encourage each person in the church to identify 3-4 prospects, unsaved or unchurched, who are in driving distance of the church.
Have them write their prospect names twice – for themselves and for the church.
Challenge the church people to pray over their specific names for the next 6 weeks.
Choose a method to collect or display the first names. Pray over them corporately, weekly.
Some examples of methods churches have used:
Make this fit the culture of the church, but use this as opportunity to push for more and initiate change.
Identify preparation pieces that the church needs to make for the key Sunday.
"Acts of Kindness" season begins
Encourage your church to continue prayer for their names, but to also look for opportunities to invest an act of kindness into each of their lives. A personal touch is much better than a "religious" gift. Examples: invite to lunch/dinner/coffee and just hear their story, mow their grass, shovel snow, wash their car, babysit, give a seasonal gift, gift card, or cookies/muffins, etc.
Invest in cleaning the church both inside and outside. Check signage.
Invest in the community.
Resource Book: Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjogren
Invitation season begins
Encourage the church to continue prayer over their names, acts of kindness, and to watch for the right opportunity to invite them to the special Sunday. Believers need to be aware that this may not be the right season to invite one of their prospects, but future invitational season will already be planned and the timing may be right then.
Invite the church people to join the preparation team (recruit workers you will need).
Invite the community (newspaper, Facebook ads, etc.).
Some churches have created invitational cards for people to pass out. Churches also have found that a "give away" item on that special Sunday can make it easier to invite.
Invitation + Bait = "Oh you need to come to our church this Father's Day, they are giving away a massive grill. It would look great in your back yard. Meet us there for service at 10:30, and then come back to our house. Let's grill some burgers."
Evangelism Opportunity
This is the "evangelism Sunday" (please don't call it that) when your church will want to be "guest" ready. Company is coming! Have your friendliest greeters at the door and even the parking lot.
This Sunday guests will see you at your BEST. This is not the Sunday for a guest speaker or group. The guests need to get to meet Pastor and see what the church is like. If there is a great need for a special performance (i.e. kids singing at Christmas), then make sure that pastor has a window to share a great story.
Resource Book: The Art of Storytelling: Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story by John Walsh
Connect with the friends who come as guests (don’t embarrass them and be on your best behavior). Share the Good News with an evangelistic message and altar call in both adult and children’s services. Have a guest card, methods to gather, and a gift that anyone would like (i.e. trade your guest card for a DQ gift card). Advertise for the engaging sermon series starting next week.
Churches will often have a "give away" to help people invite and to collect guest information. Examples of gifts:
Get your team to brainstorm gifts that people in your community would actually want.
The engagement season begins
Engage during the week with a call, letter, and gift drop at their door (i.e. - cookies, salsa, honey). Engage new salvations with follow-up, conversations, resources, and a Baptism date.
Engage with a family focused sermon series the weeks following and schedule a dessert fellowship for newcomers. Pastor schedule times to take newcomers out for a meal. Encourage the church to engage and involve newcomers with friendship connections. Help friends become family.
Community Connection Points
Every community has areas of need, but not every "good" thing is a "God" thing for your church and this season.
Where are the best connection potential points for evangelistic opportunity in your community?
Your church can't do everything at once, so it is better to pick the 1 thing you can do with excellence.
Demographic Research
Learn and Love Your Mission Field
Explore your target area and discover who they are.
Check and see if your church network/denomination has access to specialized demographic/ministry research services. Recruit team members to search various sites and then make a report to the team.
Church/Community Specific Sites:
General Demographics:
Adopt a Spot in Your Community
Go, Serve, and Build Relationships
What is already happening in your community that you could invest in?
Interdenominational Opportunities:
Community Opportunities:
Hosting a Community Group
Connect by Meeting a Community Need
Churches can individually host or partner with other churches to sponsor a community outreach group. These can be held at any facility that will make the community feel welcome.
Community Groups and resource links:
Church Assessment
Church Health Snapshot
Our team developed this tool to quickly check a church's health. It uses subjective and objective information based on an evangelical model, congregational information, and community statistics.
This tool follows the triage concept in that green indicates a church is healthy enough to recover any losses and/or continue on a healthy course. Yellow indicates that a church most likely needs some outside investment at some level because it is at risk of decline. Red indicates the church's health requires extensive outside help, or it is at risk of closure or an inability to recover.
Take a snapshot of your church's health here.